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iPhone 15


to explore
Grey & Townhouse
Branded Content
Direction, Live-Action, VFX, Design, Production

Mayda ECDs, Ben Smith and Carl Addy co-directed a series of mixed media dreamscapes for the launch of Apple iPhone on the Boost Network.

In a sea of sameness for the category, the creative challenge was to stand out by creating an atmosphere that appealed to the senses. This immersive space showcases the possibilities of the cutting-edge technology to build infinite worlds and expand our heroes' perspectives through an overly fantastical environment. Using seamless CG, we are transported into a magical space, culminating in a highly stylized, introspective utopia.

When Grey & Townhouse approached Mayda, they were in search of a creative production partner adept at transforming high-fidelity concepts into fantastic, full graphic worlds.

Centered around the launch of the new iPhone15 on the Boost Infinite network, we were tasked with taking a collection of AI-engineered images and breathing life into them, crafting fully realized fantastical worlds that represented the connectivity, modernity and near-infinite reach of the Boost network.

Each film in the campaign featured a unique element central to its narrative - from the hybrid daisy informing the 'Garden' world, to the connecting bridges in the ‘Explorer’ world, to intricate ice patterns on the bubbles of the ‘Ice’ world, each film integrated these visual metaphors to symbolize change and connectivity across the Boost Infinite universe.

Central to each film and the hero of the campaign was the iPhone 15 Pro, the first time the iPhone has been made available on the Boost Infinite network.

A unique challenge in this project was developing a production methodology built around the stringent confidentiality and limited access to Apple products pre-launch.

This demanded exceptional agility in our creative development, concepting and production processes, requiring us to adapt to and integrate last-minute feature reveals when we finally received the device for the first time.

From receiving the device on-set to the first commercial being on-air, the turnaround time was less than one-week. Additionally, we developed a novel technique in capturing product reflections to enhance the visual fidelity of the iPhone 15 Pro for the final films.